Financial and Economics(F&E)

What’s Included

Education that Matters.

Our F&E courses are designed to help students understand the basics of the US economic system, with financial literacy concepts to equip every student with the tools they need for personal strength and freedom.

Corporations and Trusts

Students will analyze how corporations use techniques to attract consumers and customers to either give students the ability to create their own businesses, or the ability to understand how to control their finances for success.

Analyzing Self

Our professors will push students to reflect on their spending habits and financial situation, in order to imbue students with healthy goals and help them increase control over their financial aspects.

What Students Say

“I wish I had these essential classes in high school, but at the same time I’m also glad to be able to explore these topics in greater depth because I’m grateful to get more control over my finances.”

-Aaron, Class of 2024

“Honestly, the best thing about the classes at TU is that they are often open-ended to your interpretation or need. For this course specifically, because I aspire to start my own business, this was critical.”

-Isabella, Class of 2026


Individual and Introspective Thinking


Cultural Exploration